Music Collection

Royalty-free original background music for your games or other presentations. All Studio Kannazuki material can be used for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. Terms of service.

How to use

Looping data

【Looping WAV data】
・Play 『xxx_A_Intro.wav』 once, and play 『xxx_B_Loop.wav』 as loop, then it will loop seemless.
・The file only include 『xxx_Loop.wav』, if you play as loop, it will loop seemless.

【How to use LoopOGG】
・For RPG Maker, WOLF RPG Editor, if you play 『xxx_Loop.ogg』 it will loop seemless.
・For Kirikiri,put 『xxx_Loop.ogg.sli』 in same folder as 『xxx_Loop.ogg』, then it will loop seemless.

Terms of service 2022/2/5

【Copyright and licensing】
Studio Kannazuki retains the copyright to all materials.

All Studio Kannazuki material can be used for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.

【Credit notation】
If it is possible, please credit me as "Studio Kannazuki".

【Data modification】
I accept all data modification, for example Cut out a part, change the loop point, adding reverb, etc.
prohibit redestribution or sale modified data of the music data itself.

【General Prohibitions】
Redestribution or sale of the music data itself.

Im welcome any feedback and requests if you have any.
If you are looking for commissioned work, please contact me.